Thunder Bay – Sunday

Trash can update.  Some additions that add more colour to an already colourful scene.

See any recyclables in there? It doesn’t matter as it all will end up in the landfill.

Trash in context

Trash in context

An interesting thing about Ben and Jerry’s .  Funny actually.  Worth a read.

Water bottle photo

Love this kind of trash. Bright bold colours.  Gives the downtown a bold, bright look.

Do not drink fruit juice. It all sugar. Eat the fruit instead.

Makes you proud to be Canadian.

Soooo, why did this happen?  What is going on under that street?

Big day for fishing.

Are these steel drums going to be used for something or are they going to be left to rust away?

Res Admiral butterfly that looks like it had a tough time.  Yes, it can still fly.

That Red Admiral checking out a very dead Tent Caterpillar.

Red Warbler

Trash with a view

Yellowbagger was here.  A client of the Dew Drop Inn that did not bother to toss the trash in any number of trash cans that that person had to walk past when leaving the park.  Those people are disgusting.

Painted rock

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Turns out that the gull that had fallen out of its nest has company.

Trash in context

Court Street construction so far.

Still working at the Court and Park intersection.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…Dodo Bird