Thunder Bay – Saturday

Lots of colour in the trash can this morning. Not sure what piece of clothing that is but is definitely brightening up an otherwise rather pedestrian colour palette.

Wood coloured kayaks.   Pretty sure they are not made of wood.

Reminds me of some of those morning skies back when I was photographing the sunrises.  I will be doing that again this fall when the sun rises later in the morning.

Cruise ship still in town.

Frog on the sidewalk.  It better watch out as gulls would love to make a meal of it.  Maybe crows too.  It did end up hopping off the sidewalk into the grass.

Red Admiral butterfly.  I couldn’t get any closer as it flew away quickly.

Patriotic trash. Makes you proud to be Canadian.

Someone lost this.

Why do boaters not return their empties for the refund?

Free fishing ends this weekend.

Cruise ship passengers out for a harbour tour

More cruise ship passengers out for a tour

Fell off of the roof?  If it can’t fly, its in serious trouble.

I think people are starting to understand symmetry.

More photos of a Skipper butterfly.  Is it a Large Skipper?

Here it has some dinner guests sharing the flower.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…

I asked AI to take the above photo and redo it the style of various artists

Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali

Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson

then I allowed AI to be very creative…loosened the restrictions and got..

Wes Anderson

Salvador Dali