Thunder Bay – Monday

Some trash in context photos. What can I say?  I live in a city where trash is some of the most colourful photo opportunities I come across.  Seriously.

How you argue that this is not colourful?

Water bottle photo

OK. Maybe construction of the “mistake on the lake” will start this week. Maybe some time this month?  I will keep you informed.

Morning sky photo.

Brown-headed Cowbird

Some colour that is not trash.

MV Eider

Trash in context. Note that there is a trash can only a few (less than ten)  steps from this spot.

Full bloom now

You see a lot of these laying around. Naloxone

Northern Loon

Free fishing week. July 1 to 9th.

Another clue that the Rapture has already happened and everyone, including yourself,  has been left behind

Yellowbagger was here.  Supermarkets can no longer hand out plastic bags but the Dew Drop Inn hands out dozens every day?

Water bottle photo

Moths.  They were attracted to the construction light.

and then there is today’s AI art piece….biker zombie art