Thunder Bay – Saturday – First Day Of July – Canada Day

Looks like Canada Day celebrations started early

There is not one of these places anywhere near this spot.

I remember the first time I had one of these. It was in Duluth and the drink had a pepperoni stick stuck in it. Not a celery stick.

Looks full.

Water bottle photo

The MV Federal Caribou has been anchored in the harbour for a long time.

A American Goldfinch

Sky looks questionable

Great Blue Heron is still hanging around

MV Jamno

MV Federal Caribou

Trash in context portrait

Landscape . I think I prefer this one.

The small stage is setup in the Waterfront Plaza

Trash in context. More Molson Canadian beer cans.

Some the areas being setup

Trash with a view.

Blue sky did finally make an appearance.

Big crowd out on the SV Welcome

The MV Jamno

Some food vendors setting up around the festival area

The big stage

Another public art piece. It is a bold critique of our economy. Makes you think, doesn’t it?  I stood here for 15 minutes or so taking it all in. The work speaks to me.

I thought I would end with some colour.

and then there is today’s art piece….Canada Day