Thunder Bay – Sunday

The paved bike lane on last years  Court Street reconstruction.  Not sure what these horizontal lines are. If its remnants of the compaction operation, then I think that would mean that the asphalt was not fully compacted. Looks like there was a “huffing” party around here.  Almost a litre is a lot. Still nothing happening … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

This cart has seen better days.  On the positive side, all the trash that was inside of the cart is gone. Catchbasins are interesting.  A blocks worth of gutter trash all found in one spot. How old am I?  I am old enough to remember using cloth diapers.  I can remember washing them.  Disposables were … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday – Back To The Grind

Squirrel! My understanding of the Finlandia site is as follows. Developer owed contractor $200,000. Contractor sued developer. Contractor won.  Contractor can remove stuff from site in lieu of court award.   Will it ever get finished?  I doubt any contractor will work with the present developer.  Soo…..who knows? Trash in context Trash in context What has … Read more

The World – Tucker On Mainstream Media

I love this stuff.  Finally, the truth is seeing the light of day. We are being lied to every day by our governments and by our mainstream media.  Its almost impossible for someone to know what is really happening.  You cannot trust anyone…least of all, your government and the media that supports it.  

The World – Tucker Talks Taboos After MSM Ignores Instagram Kiddie-Porn Bombshell

Tucker Talks Taboos After MSM Ignores Instagram Kiddie-Porn Bombshell After his first episode topped 100 million views, Tucker Carlson is back with Episode 2, exploring how we, as a population, are controlled (or coerced) directly (through laws) or indirectly (through taboos). Carlson observes the changing societal taboos in America, suggesting that they are being dictated from above … Read more

Thunder Bay – LGBTQ Groups Ask City To Deepen Commitment – Is It “Ask” Or “Tell” ?

LGBTQ groups ask city to deepen commitment A pair of local organizations have asked the City of Thunder Bay to deepen its commitment to the LGBT+ community, seeking to expand the visibility symbols of inclusion and run awareness training for city council, among other steps. Advocates with the Thunder Pride Association and the Rainbow Collective … Read more