Thunder Bay – Friday – Last Day Of June

Not sure what this is. A scarf? A blanket? A skirt?

Water bottle photo

Coke, Cherry Coke and Pepsi hanging out together.

A slightly used towel for the taking.  Its free.  Might need a wash.

Plants in last years Court Street construction.  Who is going to maintain these flower beds?   The flower beds located in the bump-outs located south on the Court Street, that were installed as part of that section of Court Street reconstruction done a few years ago, are full of weeds. Look like crap.

Not a fan of that tall grass.  I think it creates visibility issues for drivers and pedestrians.  There is no place of tall plants next to a street….but what do I know?

Someone left their parka behind.  Could be a sign that summer might have actually arrived.

The big crane has been moved.  Still not pounding steel.

A lot of shopping carts in Marina park.

Feeding the young Tree Swallow.

Lots of roses

A painted rock thrown in the lake.  Looks like it was broken as well.

Sweat pants?

Remember when all events were “smoke ’em if you got ’em” ?   I think about all the times I spent in smoke-filled buildings.   Disgusting.

Trash in context.

Morning sky photo.  Fog.

A moth of some kind.

Fog was slowly disappearing.  The sun appeared.  Temps went up.

American White Pelican

Big day tomorrow

Trash in context.

More trash in context

Two trains passing

A white Rugosa rose

New kayaks have arrived at Wilderness Supply


and then there is today’s AI art piece…80s hair bands