The World – Tucker Carlson Asks Why Is The West At War With Russia?

Money.  Its always about money. If there was no profit to be made from war, it would not exist.

Every weapon that that NATO and the EU send to Ukraine has to be replaced. Most of the weapons sent are old.

This is a good opportunity to ditch the old and spend an insanely large amount of taxpayer cash to buy new stuff.

Then there is the rebuilding of Ukraine after the war finally ends.  Hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars will end up in the pockets of “government friendly” contractors.  Oh, and you can bet the prices will be very high.

Plus, Ukraine has resources. There is money to be made to anyone who controls them.

Its all about money. Everything is about money. COVID?  Money.  War? Money. Climate change? Money.  Green energy?  Money.  Net zero? Money. ESG scores? Money.