Thunder Bay – Saturday

I noticed new signage appearing in Marina Park.  I guess its to help any of the cruise ship passengers that do venture out into the deep dark jungle of the downtown core get back to the safety of the ship.

I wonder how the market is doing?  Do any passengers ever leave the park?  Ever leave the Pool 6 area?   I bet the number is very small.

New sign. New logo. Misleading is the term I would use. They do have a ship.  The other three?  Not so much.

Side slope is now covered in top soil?

Another area to stay away from if you are walking around the new Pool 6 trail.

Still not sure I understand this.  Why is it in a giant ditch?

Really.  Why?

Any homeless individual looking for a nice waterfront location with security… I have a place for you.  Ready for you to move right in.   It even has a front porch with two chairs for relaxing after a hard day of not doing much of anything.

A filter of some kind?

If the other waterfront home ids too large for you, we have a nice compact studio style  accommodation for that young homeless person on the go.  Less maintenance.   Think about it.

Trash in context.  Old Dutch chip bag

Not sure how this gosling died.  It almost looks like it was stepped on.  Maybe a dog?    It does not look like it was killed for food.

Trash in context.

Water bottle photo

Still a lot of meat on them bones. Everyone seems to be afraid of getting too close to the core.

and then there is today’s AI art piece….Mandelbrot  set in style of CAD