Thunder Bay – Friday

Smoky day

Don’t know what I would do without McDonalds or Tim Hortons.  Their trash adds a lot of colour to the downtown core. Should they be nominated for an award for making the city more beautiful?  Something to think about.

Another example as to why trash cans WITH LIDS need to be mandatory.

Another shopping cart trash can.  You can see them scattered around the city.  Who empties them?  Who knows?

Cruise ship in port today. MV Viking Polaris. Twin sister ship of the MV Viking Octantis.

Cruisers out for a harbour tour


White Admiral butterfly

Mallard and Merganser share a log


Smoke on the water…

A Common Grackle calling to other Grackle.

Common Grackle listening to response from other Grackle.  Probably talking about me.

Water bottle photo

Family resting.  Mother has her eye fixed on me.

Peppa Pig

Looks a lot like Norm Gale.  Doubt it but he is wearing sunglasses which Gale seems to always be wearing when outside City Hall.  Should be wearing a kilt though.

The things being left behind at the fountain pond.

Getting ready for Saturday’s event at the Festival Area

Setting up a small stage next to the big stage.

Pretty smoky.



Hmmm…..Is someone living in the space in front of the door?

Big shot of colour

and then there is today’s AI art piece….Mandelbrot sets