Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Summer Begins Today

All photos taken before summer officially began at 10:58 am. These are the last photos of spring 2023.

Not sure where the other shoe is.. How do you not notice that you have lost a shoe.

Salvation Army food truck client trash can be found several blocks away from Wilson Street parkette.

Trash in context.

A public art piece.  This one can be viewed at the Pool 6 site.   I call it “A City In Chaos”.  It speaks to me.

Trash with a view.

MV Federal Bering

MV Resko

MV Federal Welland

Red Sky Metis setup on the Spirit Garden Trail. National Indigenous Peoples Day.

Nothing going on at the Festival Area.

Trash in context

Trying to make my last photos of spring as colourful as possible.

Trash in context.

Water bottle photo


Trash in context.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…Summer solstice…