The World – Tucker Carlson On Hunter Biden’s Charges

Yup….Same goes for Canada.  You think Justin’s family are ever going to jail while he is PM? All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others – Animal Farm by George Orwell Tucker Carlson is playing with fire here.  He better watch out or he may find himself “committing suicide” .

The World – Two Metre (Six Feet) Social Distancing Rule Was Completely Made Up

OK…soo they made this up…sooo masks did nothing…..lockdowns produced more harm to the public, and the economy than good.   The “jab” did little as far as protecting the public from the virus.   Long term effects on the world’s population the “jab”?  Who knows? We were lied to by everyone that we trusted. Governments, heath professionals, … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday – Summer Begins Today

All photos taken before summer officially began at 10:58 am. These are the last photos of spring 2023. Not sure where the other shoe is.. How do you not notice that you have lost a shoe. Salvation Army food truck client trash can be found several blocks away from Wilson Street parkette. Trash in context. … Read more