Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context

Trash in context

Nope…nothing going on yet.

Small stage


The sky this morning


MV Evans Spirit.  Nice ship.  Smaller than most lakers today.

The scourge of Marina Park.  Their poop is everywhere.  The time to deal with this problem is BEFORE it even began.  Discourage the nesting anywhere near the park.  Once the geese have babies, its too late.

A yacht owner installed something on his/her boat but failed to place the packaging into the trash can that was located only a few steps away.

Trash in context.  Molson Cold Shot.

Lilacs are in full bloom.

Not sure what type this is.

Orange poppie

Baby Herring Gull. Must have fallen out of the nest.

One of the parents was not happy with me being around its baby.

Explaining the situation to me using its outdoor voice.  Very loud.   Did not give me a chance to explain.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…Barbie as a scarecrow