Thunder Bay – Saturday

Came across this bottle left in Wilson Street Park.

There were two bottles. There are trash cans close by.   Why?

Root beer cans are a rarity in the north core.  If the can is a soft drink can then its usually Pepsi.

I like to take photos of the clouds but there needs to be something else in the photo.  In this case its a light post.

In this case, its a tree.

Laying electrical conduit at the Pool 6 site.

Looks like there was a Friday night party in Marina park.

Water bottle photo

Trash in context. The person had to walk past several trash cans on their way out of the park…unless they left the park by water.

Another water bottle photo

Trash in context.

Not sure what this was.  I thought maybe it was a candy apple.  Looks like birds sampled it, whatever it is.

I don’t think that this product lived up to expectations.

The design flaw is obvious.

Cheap and flimsy.  You can see this type of thing at the bottom of many light posts in the north core.   The difference is that the north core ones are suffering from extreme corrosion.  I expect these will also suffer the same fate, if they last that long.

Government building

Trash in context

Another example of why trash cans with lids need to be mandatory.  This Pearl Street location is a shithole (two murders last year) operated by DSSAB soo00 I don’t expect anyone will be picking this trash up. You don’t want to live next to a DSSAB establishment.

and then there is today’s AI art piece….Saturday

in the style of Salvador Dali

in the style of Kurt Schwitters