Thunder Bay – Sunday

Yet another overcast, drizzly crappy day. I am getting fed up with it.

Someone left this for the birds?

Another piece of public art?  Its a very powerful representation of the city’s  slow decent into madness.   I hope this will find its way into the new art gallery when/if it ever gets built.  Priceless.

A pair of tree swallows

Looks sort of cool

Trash in context

We have some Scaups. Lesser Scaups?  Greater Scaups? They coup be Greater Scaups. Its mostly about the head shape.

Do greater and lesser scaups hang out together?  Anyway. they are scaups. No doubt about that.

MV Finelborg.

MV Miena Desgagnes

Plastic water bottle photo

these look like Lesser Scaups

The giant is shrouded in clouds

and then there is today’s AI art piece….coronation of King Charles the Third