Thunder Bay – Thursday – Star Wars Day – May The 4th Be With You

Looks like a portion of the asphalt placed on Court Street

last fall is going to be removed.  Only a single layer of asphalt was placed as the temps were getting too cold to pave.  This area had severe potholing this spring.

Another area that is going to be removed.

Cutting concrete. Why the City of Thunder Bay allows this.  It should be mandated in the contract that appropriate dust suppression  methods WILL BE USED.   Where does the dust go? Everywhere.

Same contract, something has happened to the sidewalk here.  The surface has  Looks like crap. Hopefully this area gets removed and replaced as well as the aspahlt.

Not the greatest looking day. At least the wind has died down.

WTH is this?  Looks like it was a bird at one time.  Could be an alien creature.

MV Miena Desgagnes carrying wind turbine tower sections

Storm a brewing?  Not really. The sun came out later…after I got home, of course.

My first goldeneye sighting of the year.

The fish must think its Christmas with all the gifts that will be raining down this spring.

Ice bath anyone?

Trash in context. McDonalds cup.

Trash in context. Looks like its a shampoo bottle? In Marina Park?

A group of double-crested cormorants

Daily plastic water bottle photo

Traps have been removed from the Finnish Labour Temple construction site.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…May the 4th Be With You