Thunder Bay – Saturday

Almost a full moon Once the sun gets too high, it loses its orange/yellow colour and become mostly white.  Sooo sunrises have the blue hour which transforms into golden hour.  That is why to photograph sunrises, you need to be onsite at least an hour before sunrise.  Sunset is just the opposite.  Sunsets are sunrises … Read more

Thunder Bay – Good Friday

  We have some colour in the sky this morning     MV Federal Dart   The Atlantic Huron tied up at Keefer Terminal CCGS Samuel Risley My first Canada Goose photo of the year I think someone is placing their litter in positions for me to photograph. Bacardi White Rum.  Not cheap. I see … Read more

The World – The Green Agenda, Climate Change and COVID

 Hmmm….the whole There is a movie called Snow Piercer. In 2031, 17 years after an attempt to stop global warming via stratospheric aerosol injection catastrophically backfires and creates a new ice age, the remnants of humanity have taken to a self-sustaining circumnavigational train, the Snowpiercer, run by reclusive transportation magnate Wilford. The passengers on the train are segregated, with the elite in … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Morning sky today some colour… I wonder if the former Pool 6 pier is going to be used or just torn down? More drifting sand MV Federal Dart.  First salty of the year. MV Baie St Paul Tugs MV Point Valour and MV Glenada  helping the MV Atlantic Huron Good week to shut down the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Sigh…. At least it wasn’t 30 cm.  Lots of wind. You can see which direction the wind was blowing   Interesting patterns caused by the wind   Drifting snow and sand Drifting snow Still waiting… Lots of drifting You don’t want to be out there. MV Saginaw Lots of snow drifting Why do these patterns … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Sun was out for a brief period this morning.  Might have been a nice sunrise had I been down at the waterfront this morning.  Oh well…I’m hoping that once spring actually arrives for real, there will be lots of colour to photograph, lots of birds to photograph and lots of insects to photograph. MV Algoma … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Snowed…that’s all I’m going to say about it….. All quiet on the waterfront….had they gone with the former Eaton’s Building, the project could have begun already. No, I will not let that go.  I believe that is where the art gallery should have gone. That location provides the most bang for the buck when it … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

No more getting up early and walking down to the waterfront in the dark.  Not until the fall anyway.  There is still colour to photograph.  The sun has risen. The sky is orange Sooo you get photos like this Interesting combination of discarded items Still nice colours Still interesting clouds Tug MV Point Valour Site … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday – First Day Of April

Not much of a sunrise this morning.  Might quit taking daily sunrise photos as the event is happening earlier and earlier every day.  Might be a day of decision. Bright orange sky not anywhere near where the sun is going to rise. There are ships still anchored in the harbour avoiding conditions out on the … Read more