Thunder Bay – Friday

Not the sunniest day ever but its not snowing or raining or windy. Its even not cold.  Not warm..just not cold.

They even still make these?

You can tell the Salvation Army food truck was here.

That is Thunder Bay in a nutshell. Just leave your trash whenever/wherever it is finished serving its purpose.   Just drop it and move on.   No longer your problem.  Someone else will pick it up.

Yup… this city is sliding downhill fast.

Trash in context

That is your morning sky


Tree Swallow

They must be married

A new piece of public art. I like it. It speaks to me.

What it looks like when one pole takes its appearance a little more seriously than the others.  A fashion statement.

A water bottle photo

With the rain predicted, much of the remaining ice could be gone by next week.

Getting an early start on the fishing season

MV Isolda

Someone enjoyed some fries.  Those trash cans in the distance were just too far away sooo you just drop the trash where you stood.  Of course, in order to leave the park, you had to walk past several trash cans.

The Giant is shrouded in clouds

But then the clouds started to leave.

An anchor bouy.

Looks like a problem spot

I believe that even a single layer of asphalt should last more than five months.   The asphalt does not look to be very thick.  I believe it should be at least 50mm which is around 2 inches.  Maybe it is. Still its a crappy end product.

Blooming daffodil

Trash in context.  Water bottle photo as well.

and then there are today’s AI art pieces. 60s family vacation photos