Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Looks like the hole is getting bigger.  TbayTel has given the City of Thunder Bay  $358 million since 2004?

Got down to the waterfront a little earlier today because the sky was clear.

MV Isolda

MV Onega Merchant at Keefer Terminal and MV Blacky at the Thunder Bay Terminals

MV Harvest Spirit anchored way out there.

A remnant of the past

Catching a few rays

MV Isolda and MV Harvest Spirit

Looks like the surface of the moon.  TbayTel has given the City of Thunder Bay $358 million since 2004?

Still a few ice patterns

Nice ice reelections


Hanging out at the beach.  Gulls and mergansers.

Daily water bottle photo.

A daffodil preparing to bloom.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…wedding photos