Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Weather has not been photography friendly lately. The forecast shows several days of rain.

Looks like the knuckledraggers that vandalized the pit toilet in Marina Park mentioned yesterday walked past this pole/

MV  Harvest Spirit.  I wonder how many ships will be anchored out in the harbour waiting to load grain with the PSAC strike taking place?  With PSAC picketing the grain elevators and the grain trimmers honouring the picket line, grain is not going to move out of Thunder Bay.

MV Isolda

The MV Federal Caribou

No loading taking place at the time I took this photo.

Ice is slowly disappearing.  The rain will help getb rid of the stuff faster.

Trash in context.  I am sure I always emptied any drink container I purchased.  I guess its just the times I grew up in where treats like this were rare. When you got a bottle of pop, you drank it all.  Savouring it.

Trash in context


Its evident that someone is giving this gut some food as it was looking at me with great expectations.   I had to disappoint it as I don’t feed squirrels. They are basically rats with good PR.  You don’t want them hanging around your house.  They can do a lot of damage.

Someone lost this.  Looks handmade.

Daily water bottle photo. This one is full.  It was sandwiched between a planter and a wall.  My eagle eyes spotted it.

and the there is today’s AI art piece…sunset walk