Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Sun is rising earlier and earlier every day.


Discarded medical masks can be found everywhere.

Ice patterns

An American Robin. Not sure if this one spent the winter here.  There used to be a group that did.   I didn’t see them this past winter but I was coming down to the park pretty early.

A Common Grackle

Not afraid to speak its mind.

Orange Crowned Warbler

Not often do you see a discarded  mug.

I like the texture

Looks like All Bran cereal

A fork in the sidewalk

These survived the winter.  Survived the sidewalk plows.  They were guarded by a platoon of traffic cones.  None of the cones have survived.   Now what?  Can’t leave these valves like this.

A winter’s worth of cigarette butts are  showing up.

Always the first flowers of the year.

and then there is today’s AI art piece. A dog eating an ice cream cone