Thunder Bay – Friday

Some morning cloud action going on today

Had I been down here at least a half an hour before sunrise, those clouds would have been purples, reds and oranges. But then I would have had to get up earlier and walk down here in the dark.  Those days are over until the fall when the sun rises over the Giant and the lake is ice free.  Then we will get those nice cloud reflections in the water.

Still, its not too bad all things considered.

My first Mallard photo of the year

Yup…feces is still there. Did it stink?  Oh yeah!

Looks like the knuckledraggers have decided they don’t like this pit toilet.  Just as well as the door lock did not work.  Yes, this is Thunder Bay’s premier tourist destination.

I guess a man, the kind with a penis, could still use this to urinate. A woman, the kind that does not have a penis, might have a tough time.

Nice day so I decided to walk down Water Street to the new viewing area over by Richardson’s Elevator

MvVicar Creek.  The fish are going to have a good time swimming upstream to spawn.  Some of the city’s future leaders have been busy leaving their trash on the ice.  If I were a betting man, I would put my money on the fact that most if not all of this trash is the result of free food giveaways by some local organizations.

On the bright side, a good rain and all this trash will be swept into the lake. Out of sight, out of mind.

Some rail car art work

This what was built.  Looks like a helicopter landing pad.

Dramatic black and white.

Why is this ice this colour?  Its just in this area.

A different view of the lighthouse.

Some dramatic rock photos

Yes its exactly what you think it is.  A child’s high chair from McDonalds.  Why is it in Marina Park?  How did it get to Marina Park?  How do you get one out of McDonalds without someone noticing?  Who did it?  Its Thunder Bay. That’s all you need to know.

Snow sculptures today. Pagoda

Coin Carousel

Boreal Forest

Amethyst Crystal

and then is today’s AI art piece