This morning looks like yesterday morning
More lighthouse photos
A little more colour around the giant
This is new
Hmmmm…Nice..whatever it is
Got some pinks
Sun is about to make its appearance
Then I noticed this guy. It was sauntering past on the ice when I gave it a howl. It stopped. Looked at me. Then sat down.
Not sure what to make of me or was it the crows that were going berserk in the trees behind me? It seems that crows do not like coyotes.
Eventually, it got up and went back the way it came.
Meanwhile, the sun continues its daily ascent.
There it is.
and so the day begins
Last year’s Court Street construction project continues to detoriorate.
Grolsch or Heineken? I always believed Grolsch to be better.
Trash in context
and then there are today’s AI art pieces…photographs of people posing for what would become famous paintings
American Gothic
Mona Lisa
Girl With The Pearl Earing