Thunder Bay – Sunday

Sunrises have not been very spectacular lately. Not sure how much longer I will be photographing the event.  Right now, there isn’t much else to photograph.  Plus, the sun is rising earlier every day.

There are clouds but the fire in the sky look did not appear.

About as good as it got

and so the day begins

Looks like the Polar Plunge is next Saturday

Hmmm… why would this be in a city park?

There is open water beyond the breakwater

The tug MV Point Valour is busy breaking up the ice.

See the sign?  Its right there. Right in front of you.  Don’t you see it?

Its right there.  Its an important traffic sign.  You should be able to see it.  Its right there.

Oh…the car is blocking the sign. In other words, there might as well not be a sign.  Approaching drivers cannot see it.    You see this all the time in Thunder Bay.

and then there are today’s AI art pieces….group selfies on the Vegas strip