Thunder Bay – Saturday

Dogs breakfast in the sky out there.  Not expecting anything spectacular but it could be worse.

This clouds might provide some colour. You can see some are starting to show something.

Looks like this is as good as its going to get today

The sun

and so the day has begun

Standing tall

Someone left this here. That person might have taken a photo similar to this with the sun lower in the sky and more centred in the arch

and now the snow sculptures today

Looks like Science North has finished their beaver house cut-away

the lighthouse?

and now for some trash photos

Going to see a lot of these emerge as the snow melts.

This person could not finish this sausage on a bun?  It was just toooo much?  Well, luckily their is a cigarette butt nearby so we get a sense of scale.  Not much of a mouthful to be honest.  I could not imagine throwing away food, especially food that I paid for.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…I asked the AI “What I am having for dinner?”   This is what I got