Thunder Bay – Wednesday

What a difference a day makes.  Freezing rain turned to flurries, strong wind gusts, colder temps.

What was water is now slush

Does trash have the ability to move on its own?


Not much of a sunrise this morning

Photos don’t do the blowing snow justice

You don’t want to be out there today


Pebbling.  Freezing rain on ice.

Food colouring used on previous Sunday’s Winter Fun Days activities on the run.

Discarded Vodka bottle.

You can see which way the wind is blowing

No unboxing just yet

Swirling wind in the downtown core.

Discarded cookie

If you place your bag on top of the snow bank, it ain’t going to get picked up.

This is what pedestrians have to deal with. Zero drainage on sidewalks create this.  Centuries of experience dealing with winter snow and spring melts and this is the result? This is as good as it gets?  Obviously, our high salaried residents of City Hall have learned nothing over the past 100 years  plus.  Dealing with snow has not changed.

Boots after today’s stroll

and then there is today’s AI art piece