Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Valentine’s Day

A clear morning sky

Getting brighter.

The sun is about to clear the giant.

and so the day has begun

This was snow only a few days ago

now its all ice

I believe the forms will be removed tomorrow.  It will be interesting to see what the snow sculpture artists have to deal with.

This set of railway tracks does not get used very often

Looks like perfectly good bread.

As the snow melts, several months of trash that was hidden by snow will appear.

Its an exciting time of year. Who knows what treasures will appear?

Back in the day, nobody would ever not return the empties for a refund.  You see it a lot now.

Smokers are the worst litterers in the city. Tens of thousands of cigarette butts will appear during the spring melt.

Next to a trash can,

Maybe, just maybe, and I am going to go out on a limb here, there should be at least one traffic control person (formerly known as a flagman) present to make sure that drivers do not have to guess when the road is clear.  Traffic control is extremely important. Our high priced salaried residents of City Hall do not understand that.

If , while walking around, do not see at least one discarded  Timmie’s cup, then I know that I am  either not in Thunder Bay, dreaming or dead.

Another unfinished drink container.

How many of these am I going to see appear out of the snow banks?

and then there is today’s AI art piece….Valentine’s Day