Thunder Bay – Saturday

Clear sky.  Clouds on the horizon.

Another photo showing the result of water not being able to drain off of a sidewalk due to the windrow of snow between sidewalk and street.

Pedestrians get to walk on ice while streets are clear and dry. Hurrah!

Maybe…but I am not expecting spectacular.  Still, there will be sun.

You can see the colours change as the sunrise progesses.

The sun makes its appearance.

and so the day begins

You want public art? Just leave some concrete blocks around a backhoe.   Cheap and is every bit as interesting as anything our high salaried residents of City Hall buy with our tax dollars. Too bad its not permanent.  It speaks to me.

A bowl?

Snow sculpture area today. Work begins the end of next week.

Hmmm…Why not finish the hot dog?  One bite left.  Water bottle still has water in it.  How desperate are these people if they leave food uneaten?

Fresco shopping bag.

Yellowbagger  (client of the Dew Drop In) was here.

Did not like the rice.

Air bubbles in ice.

and the there is today’s AI art piece..Uluru selfie