Ontario – ‘ISC Needs To Come To The Table’, NDP MP Says After Fatal Weenusk Fire

‘ISC needs to come to the table’, NDP MP says after fatal Weenusk fire

In the wake of a fatal fire in Peawanuck, Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) says they’re supporting the remote First Nation, but Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus disagrees.

A 10-year-old girl was killed and a family was left homeless in the Jan. 28 fire in the small community located about 30 kilometres south of Hudson Bay. The tragedy has sparked a lot of conversation about resources and funding on fire services for Weenusk First Nation.

Funding and programs focused on fire safety have been in the community and there are projects in the works to shore up the systems in place, according to the ISC statement.

“They need to say they dropped the ball, and a horrible accident occurred,” said Angus about the ISC’s claims. “They need to say we’re going to fix this and we’re going to work with the community and make sure that they’re safe.”

While the ISC says things like the Amber Fire safety campaign, which provided 187 alarms to the community in 2017, have been provided, Angus says the community still lacks support for basic needs like fire extinguishers.

The community has procured a fire truck to replace the 1996 model currently serving the area, but its delivery is not expected until March 2023. It also doesn’t have a place to be stored when it reaches Peawanuck.

A proposal was submitted to ISC in November on behalf of the community by the Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation (OFNTSC) to build a fire hall to house the new truck. The application is being reviewed.

“They need to commit to building that fire hall and that’s something they haven’t been willing to do until now, there has to be training opportunities, and we need full emergency services in Peawanuck,” said Angus. “That’s what the community is asking for and that’s what the government has to deliver.”

ISC said funding for the current building being used to store the firefighting equipment was increased in 2022/2023 from $5,908 to $21,619, but Angus says there is a need for a fire hall that can house the needed equipment and the new fire truck the community has purchased.

“There’s no point having a fire truck in a community that goes to -60C, if it’s not a proper building,” said Angus. “It has to be a heated building.”

In his meetings with the community, Mushkegowuk council and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) leadership, Angus said the message is clear.

“The community is traumatized by this and they need help,” he said. “The ISC needs to come to the table and make sure this never happens again.”

He had written to the Minister of Indigenous Services in 2021 detailing the lack of equipment in Peawanuck and the danger of the situation.

“They were asked to do this in 2021, and they didn’t,” said Angus. “The community was left in this terrible position because of it.”

Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum and the executive council released a statement offering their condolences and support for the family. They’re also drawing attention to the disproportionate number of fire deaths in First Nations communities.

“Our prayers have been with the family, first responders, and the entire Peawanuck community since we learned about this tragedy,” reads the statement. “We join them in mourning the passing of this beautiful child whose young life was taken under the most tragic and heartbreaking of circumstances.”

The NAN statement goes on to say that First Nation children under 10 have a fire-related mortality rate 86 times greater than non-First Nation children in a report by Ontario Chief Coroner in 2021. First Nation people living on-reserve are also five times more likely to die in a fire, according to a report by the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council.

The community continues to rally around the Wabano family, who was affected by the fire. A GoFundMe has raised $37,258 of its updated $50,00 goal.

The Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA), Ornge air ambulance service, Mushkegowuk Council, and Payukotayno Child and Family Services are offering support to the family and the community, including additional medical staff, and mental health supports.

Crisis lines are available for anyone in need of help. – tbnewswatch.com

article website here

Must be nice to be a leaders of a community that never have any responsibility for what happens in that community. No matter what happens, its always the fault of a level of senior government, either provincial or federal.  Never the chief. Never a member of tribal council.  Never the person living in the home.

According to the article, the reserve has a fire truck. The truck is housed inside a building.  Is that building not heated?   Really?  Come on.  Does the importance of keeping the fire truck in a heated building need to be explained to people living in Canada?  Do the  trucks carry water?

Was the truck operational?   The article does not say. If it wasn’t, why not?  If it was operational, was it used?

Are there any people trained to operate the existing equipment?  Do they practice using the equipment regularly?  Is the equipment properly maintained?  Regularly upgraded?  Replaced when broken?  Can improvements be made?  These are all things you find out when training and practicing.

The article mentions building a fire hall. Why?   The truck was already inside a building.  A new fire hall is a nice to have, not a must-have.

Living in a remote community means that you have to be self-reliant when it comes to things like dealing with fire safety.  I suspect that fire safety is not taken serious enough by these remote communities. THAT is the real issue. Not a new fire truck. Not a new fire hall.

What I see here is the remote community leaders’ failure to accept any responsibility when it comes to the health and safety of their own communities.  A victim mentality that is passed from generation to generation.  They need to get passed that.