Thunder Bay – Tuesday – Last Day Of February

A promising sky this morning. At least its not completely overcast. Got some colour in the clouds and so the day begins Drifting snow. This person is rich enough not enough to care about the deposit. There should be deposits on all drink containers. That includes Timmies and McDonalds cups…all of those. Plastic water bottles.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

As good as the sunrise got today. Yes, that is a plate and fork. Not a paper of foam plate. Not a plastic fork. That is a real dinner plate and a metal fork.  You don’t see this type of litter every day.   Looking for colour on a gray day. then there are today’s … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Very quiet morning A promising morning sky Very good sunrise today Here comes the sun     and so the day has begun Trash in context Nothing happening over there Did the box move by itself or did the wind have anything to do with it? Another unfinished pizza slice.  Must be subpar pizza. Snow … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Pretty bleak outlook for nice looking sunrise this morning Well….there is the sun As good as it got We have a pair of sundogs and then here are the snow sculptures today The sun is starting to produce a little damage and then there is today’s AI art piece

Thunder Bay – Friday

Another mostly clear sunrise Here comes the sun and so the days begins   Trash in context Maybe next week something will happen inside the fence? Looks like some trash has blown over from the CJ newspaper. Left over sausage bun ? Could not finish this? Three bights left? and then there are the snow … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Overcast morning Another day of inactivity behind the future art gallery fence.  Good that pedestrians were stopped from walking behind the future art gallery fence because of all that construction work that has not taken place. Public land that the public is not allowed to use.  Sure, once construction begins THEN lock the gates.  Two … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Looks pretty promising this morning and so the day begins Snow Sculptures today   Looks like the city’s knuckledraggers have managed to buy a couple of cans of spray paint. The City of Thunder Bay should leave this ‘art work’ alone just so visitors can enjoy it. Oooo Nothing says community pride more than this. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Got some colour this morning.

It was not that long ago that the sun rose at the other end of the giant.  The sunrise is moving towards the north quickly.

and so the day begins

Hmmm…all the hurry to close the trail behind the fence to the public and zero construction work taken place behind the fence.  Trail could have been opened tp the public for another week or two.

This gate could have remained open longer. Once the contractor actually started to do work inside the fence, THEN, the gates could have been locked.

Got the names of the sculpture artists



You can see that an additional artist name has been added. Patash something. I can’t make it out. Psrkshi? Something like that.

Coin carousel. I thought it might have been the one out at Chippewa Park.  I remember these being at malls.

I think it was a dime back then.


Noticed this.

Some colourful trash

and then there is today’s AI art piece… Steampunk Lemur

Thunder Bay – Monday – Family Day

Clear sky sunrise this morning. and so the day has begun Snow Sculptures today. The finished product.  This is the Pagoda. I will include the names of the sculptures tomorrow. The Beaver House The Chippewa Park carousel. The Lighthouse. Its possible that the building may be part of Doors Open Ontario in 2024.  The boat … Read more