Thunder Bay – Monday

Another overcast day… Trash in context Trash in context Morning sky photo Coyote tracks?  Wolf?  Dog? Who knows? Once the sun had risen behind the clouds, the clouds did have some colour. Drillers keep drilling at the Pool 6 site Winter Fun Days started yesterday.  There was some art created. Squirrel! Traffic cone needs some … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

See anything recyclable in there?  It doesn’t matter because its all going to the landfill site. Lots of colour in the sky this morning You can see where the sun is going to rise Here it comes The Marina Park hotel’s windows reflecting the sun Not a matched pair. Still, these are free… Abandoned water … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Not the most promising morning sky for photography Looks like this is as good as it is going to get this morning.   Won’t see the sun rise. Could make a nice Inushuk out of this.  My understanding is that no plans exist for this. Too bad. Looks like its a nice day over by Mount … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Mostly clear sky this morning The few clouds are impressive   The sun makes its appearance Trash in context Still working on this.  The sun shows off some of the colours better. and then there is today’s AI art piece a makeup ad in a magazine

Thunder Bay – Thursday

A very trusting individual Water Street fire station…a little bit of ice?  Maybe a sprinkle of sand might be in order. The sidewalk is icy as well. Some colour out there. As good as it gets today Some work continues on the cruiseship dock improvements. The telephone pole that had the problem of catching on … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Quite to morning sky today There is the sun Drillers keep drilling.  Investigating soil contamination in the Pool 6 area. What the Pool 6 site looks like today. MV Tim S. Dool Looks like the ship is tying up at Keefer Terminal for the winter. I guess the ice makes this maneuver trickier than normal. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Wasn’t there yesterday I was hoping for a better morning sky than this.. Oh well…. Something might happen over there As good as its going to get   Some colour in the direction of the lighthouse Wolf or coyote? Could be a wolf. MV Algoma Sault. A Thunder Bay totem pole? Trash in context What … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Supposed to see some blue sky today. Nothing so far. Well, there is something going on up there. Some colour. Hmmm Beaver? This hydrant has been like this for a year?  Maybe more?  This is not the only one like this. Why are hydrants installed if they are not required?  We could save a lot … Read more