Thunder Bay – Tuesday

The problem with this crappy spring-like weather we are having is that we will have to go through this all over again in a couple of months. Another overcast grey day. Trash in context. What this city needs is a statue of Elvis Presley.  Why not? Trash in context “Smell the glove”. Some people might … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

The Thunder Bay restaurant is still closed. Its been shut for closing on two decades. I can’t imagine the ecosystem that has evolved inside that building over that time. Too bad as it was a good place to eat in its day. Something needs to be done with it soon.  How much does this stuff … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Using one of my old cameras for now. Fire in the sky on a mostly overcast morning. The sun is back there somewhere Not much going on Trash in context Yup. Its dead. Took a look in the Wilson Street Parkette. Needles Needles Trash left behind by Salvation Army food truck clients. The park does … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Some fire in the sky this morning Well it is reusable. Not doing much for the environment right now though. Thunder Bay must be the only city anywhere that has its own shopping cart depot. Artsy. Might see this photo hanging in the new $40million plus art gallery someday.  The art appreciation crowd eats this … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday The 13th

We will see the sun today. Tied up for the winter There is the sun Some colour There it is Before During After. Payphones have now gone the way of the Dodo. Trash with a view Is this a temp inversion? and now for today’s AI art piece Black Velvet Elvis

The World – The War In Ukraine And Blackrock Investments

Sooo Blackrock financially benefits the longer the war continues via its investments in the Military Industrial Complex. Now it turns out that Blackrock will also financially benefit from the reconstruction that will be required after the war is over. All of this financial benefit is funded by the taxpayer. Taxpayer buys the weapons. Taxpayers will … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Another overcast day. Morning sky photo No drilling going on today Something going on down at the Pool 6 dock. MV Harvest Spirit. Soo Locks closing Friday at midnight. I think the Welland Canal and St Laurence Seaway are already closed. This load could ne headed to a Georgian Bay port. Trash in context.  This … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

More recyclables headed to the landfill.  Makes me wonder if I even should bother with mine. Nobody seems to care. That’s the view out there this morning. Another tough photo day. Drillers getting ready to drill. Squirrel! Trash in context and then there is today’s AI art piece

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Trash in context   Another overcast day.  Not much colour out there. Tough photography under these conditions. Trash in context. Budweiser beer six pack wrapper. Trash in context. Paper LCBO bag used to transport six pack of Budweiser beer to Marina Park.  No problem keeping beer cold in January. and then there is today’s AI … Read more