Thunder Bay – Tuesday

On my way down to the waterfont Not very promising this morning. As good as the sunrise got     Trash in context. Trash in context A discarded plastic bottle. I see them all the time…everywhere. Hmmm….a coffee drinking spot? All from the same coffee shop. Another coffee drinking spot? Same type of cup. Another … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Some morning colour in the sky today   Ooooo, dramatic One of this city’s future leaders and present asshole took all of the rolls of toilet paper in this portable toilet and threw then into the pit.  All of them.  On top of that, the asshole left fecal material on top of the toilet seat.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Free for the taking…Looks comfy Might produce something… This is what I got A little colour. Beggars can’t be choosers. Coyote more coyotes. There were four in all. Trash in context Hmm…..interesting OK…now the empty bun makes sense. Looking for colour wherever I can find it.  Why not eat everything up to the stem? Trash … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

This tree is up all year round Its Christmas time somewhere in the world A Thunder Bay  bus stop.  There is probably a story behind all these empty bottles. Artsy photo As good as its going to get today. Snow squall is the only colour in the morning sky. Public art. Looking for colour wherever … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Had to cross the tracks via the pedestrian overpass as a train was blocking the Pearl Street entrance. Noticed this.  Broken…. We have an actual sunrise this morning. Clear sky and everything. Always look behind you when you are observing a sunrise. You never know what you might see. You can see where the sun … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

another grey overcast day….. Your morning sky photo   Desperate to find colour on another blah blah day.  Luckily, the city’s trash never lets me down. Not the first time there has been a shooting in this neighbourhood. Could not finish the last little bit?  One mouthful left?   Seriously?  People nowadays have waaaaay too much … Read more

The World – Fatherless Crises

Are the stats any different in Canada?  In Thunder Bay? I suspect most of the city’s social and crime issues are tied to single parent families where the single parent is the mother. Sooo what are our elected officials going to do about it?

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Sigh….another grey overcast day Not much going on out there this morning As good as it got this morning  Took an hour of standing in the dark to get this? There is some colour out there Interesting clouds Trash in context Sun?  Seriously? Still one left Sunny D?  Cloudy D more like it. and then … Read more