The World – US Figures The Money Being Spent On The Ukraine War And The People Being Killed As A Result, Is A Bargain

In a recent piece published by the Center for European Policy Analysis, economist Timothy Ash makes the case that the mere $100 billion the United States has spent (so far) on the Ukraine War has been totally worth it, mere “peanuts” actually, if the objective of the war is to destroy the Russian economy and to debilitate its military while sacrificing few, if any, American soldiers’ lives. The human cost of the war, whether to the Ukrainian people, the Russian people, the people in the rest of Europe or the Americans whose tax dollars are NOT being spent to solve domestic problems, doesn’t seem to factor in for Ash.

If you think the war going on in Ukraine has anything to do with the rescuing the people of Ukraine from the grips of evil Russia, you are not paying attention.

Its all about money and economic dominance.  That is all. The US is using Ukrainians as cannon fodder fighting a war they cannot win in hopes that the war will bankrupt Russian and end up with regime change. Eliminate Putin.

The US government is evil.