Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Our high salaried residents of City Hall repaired the water main leak a block and a half from this catchbasin. A catchbasin with a  sinkhole next to it. This catchbasin has had this issue for months now.  Not sure why this was not repaired at the same time as the water main leak. The equipment … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Yesterday I pointed out that this area needed some TLC.  Asphalt was applied.  Fifth asphalt patch on the section of Water Street between Cumberland and Bay Street intersections. Tough to be a pedestrian in Thunder Bay Morning sky photo. Overcast. Pool 6 rec trail lighting being installed. Not sure who would walk down here at … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

What do you think? Needs some TLC? Apparently there is no rush to fix this. Snow will make an appearance soon. The kind that hangs around until March or so.  This can’t be left like this all winter. On the positive side, the flashing arrow sign was working. Morning sky photo Pool 6 rec trail … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

The final layer of asphalt will not be laid down until next year. It will be interesting to see just how much damage the snowplows will do to the concrete curb and gutters. Question…will all the trash and construction debris that was tossed into the new shrub beds be removed before they are filled with … Read more

Thunder Bay – River Street To Remain Closed Until Spring

River Street to remain closed until spring A section of River Street that collapsed in May and has remained closed since won’t reopen to traffic until next year, the City of Thunder Bay has confirmed. The outcome was not unexpected, though city engineers had expressed faint hope that with favourable conditions, the $2.5 million project could be … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Trash in context Trash in context. Finally there is asphalt going down on Court Street. This is the result of the City of Thunder Bay’s heavy dependence on funding from senior levels of government to pay for infrastructure maintenance and replacement.  The funding for this work did not arrive until late summer. A large portion … Read more

Ontario – Half Of Ontario NDP Ejected From Legislature After Outbursts Over Back-To-Work Legislation

Half of Ontario NDP ejected from legislature after outbursts over back-to-work legislation Sixteen members of the Ontario New Democratic Party were escorted out of the legislature one-by-one during Wednesday’s question period after making outbursts over legislation that prevents education workers from striking. It started when interim NDP Leader Peter Tabuns accused the government of lying … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

and so the day begins. Love this sculpture. I can see people taking selfies next to it.  What should it be called? This city has a large population of assholes. These assholes just toss their trash anywhere they want. Could care less about this city. More evidence of a recent visit of a Thunder Bay … Read more