Thunder Bay – Saturday – Daylight Savings Time Ends Tonight



I am not ready yet to accept the fact that winter is coming..  The five stages of winter…Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.  I am still in the Denial stage.   I may reach Acceptance around March 2023.

Not sure that the sign is doing much good here. The street may be open soon.

Morning sky photo. I was hoping that what could be my last sunrise photo of the year would be better than this but, you play the cards you are dealt. With the time change, the sun will. be rising too early for me  to walk down to the park in time to photograph the sunrise. You need to be there at least half an hour to 45 minutes BEFORE the actual sunrise.  Too early for me.

As good as it got

Interesting clouds. Almost looks like snow.

Hmmm…looks like a party scene

Beer and wine don’t mix.  Especially this stuff. Cheap. It will get you drunk.

Trash with a view

Looks nice but when these poles get replaced…

the end product will look less “nice”.   The utility (Synergy North I believe) refused to replace them BEFORE road construction because they can. They don’t care what end product looks like.

and then there is today’s AI art piece

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