Canada – Trudeau Already Has A Solution To National Homelessness

Hmmmm…didn’t Nazi Germany do this in years leading up to and including WW2?  Hmmm…..

I think Trudeau might have hit on a solution to homelessness.  If you just go a little further and include drug addicts in the mentally ill group,  a not too big leap, then there we go. Problem solved.

I wonder what other problems that assisted dying, or euthanasia as it is called in the real world,  can solve simply by killing the problem?  The possibilities are endless.

Oh and in Canada you can have an abortion after the first trimester, since there’s no time limit. None.

Sooo all you need is a doctor that will do it and you can legally abort a pregnancy right up to the time of delivery.

Another form of euthanasia.  Euthanizing the person BEFORE they are even born.

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