Thunder Bay – Sunday

Color in the sky this morning

Morning sky photo

Not sure what it is about these two backhoes on top on that hill but I like it.  Maybe its the barren top of the hill with the machines backed by that colourful sky.  Or maybe not.  Who knows?

Lots of geese around. Just passing through on their way south?

Flags back at full mast.

What is headed out of the Pool 6 pond and into the lake. Probably from railways.

Great time of year for bee photos

Haven’t seen a painted rock in quite a while.

Another partially consumed  bottle of soda.   This one is almost full.

Thought they were crab apples but they look like pears.  Someone left the pile in a parking lot. For who or what?  Your guess is as good as mine.

There was a trash can only steps away from this spot. Is that a plastic straw?

I would have thought that city construction contracts would require contractors to have someone check on construction sites on days that there is no work going on. You know, to make sure that all mandated barriers, signs and fences etc meant to protect the public are all in good working order and are where they are supposed to be. Its obvious that nobody is doing that here.

Finnish Labour Temple site today

and then there is today’s AI art piece

since I missed the actual sunrise this weekend, I asked the AI to show me what it would have looked like had I been there

OK….the Sleeping Giant looks odd. Colours are good though.


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