Thunder Bay – Friday – First Full Day Of Fall

There are better things for your body than pasta but I guess if its free, you can’t complain.

Here comes the sun…

Morning sky photo

Yes, I know. Photographed it before…many times. Still like the shot though.

Yup, steam on the water. Not smoke on the water. For smoke on the water, you have to be on the Lake Geneva shoreline where some stupid with a flare gun burned the best place around to the ground.

This bike has been in this exact spot for weeks now. Is it abandoned?  Is the owner still alive?  Someone should investigate.

Come on buddy, you have to be thinking about leaving soon.

I think this was a banner that was attached to the fence for the Wake The Giant event last weekend.  Still here.  Will it still be here when the snow melts next spring?

Someone had a bacterial infection.  Lets see, take for seven days starting on the 14th. Fourteen plus seven is 21 which was Wednesday.  Hmmm… is the 23rd.  So it makes sense that it is empty. I wonder how long this has been laying here?

Finnish Labour Temple today

and today’s AI art piece

Aztec warrior

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