Thunder Bay – Sunday


The Big Dig today

What’s in the trash? Interesting. If people want to save the planet, this is where they need to look for ideas.  We live in a throwaway world. That needs to stop.

Trash in context

Is this a blanket?  Probably full of cooties.

Interesting clouds this morning sooo naturally I took waaay too many photos of them.

The City of Thunder Bay’s method of dealing with road repairs goes through similar stages as those of dealing with grief, Denial, Anger, Bargaining,  Depression, and Acceptance. The fact that these cones have been erected means that our high salaried residents of City Hall have entered the “Bargaining” faze. Something has been done to satisfy critics but the issue is still there.

Morning sky photo. Mosquitos are still brutal down here.

Trash in context

Yes, things live in this. Fish, birds. Funny that wildlife live in and on this body of water but we can’t drink that water without it being filtered and doused with chemicals. Notice the plastic water bottle.

and another plastic water bottle.  Why not ban plastic bottles?

Ahhhh, a Kelly’s rotgut wine carton. I haven’t seen one of these in a while. Turns out that people are bring the empties in for a refund of the deposit.

Looks like a yellow bagger was here.  Could not finish that coolie.   Or drink all of the water for that matter.

Todays AI art piece

Astronaut selfie on the moon

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