Thunder Bay – Saturday

The Big Dig today

Nice sun this morning. Fun with the sun today.

Morning sky photo

Grind Your Head?

I know I have photographed this many times before but the reflections get me every time

Trash witb a view. Its kind of the POS to leave this here.  Adds a lot to the scenery.

Looking for colour wherever I can find it

Always was confused about wearing a mask and smoking. Afraid of the virus but not afraid of what those cigarettes are doing to your body? Seriously? Your priorities are all screwed up.

I guess this has not reached the point where it requires repair.  Court Street is having sewer and water work done only a block from here. I wonder if the City of Thunder Bay would have been smart enough to throw this work into that contract?  Would have got a good price as the contractor has all the equipment and materials onsite to do the work…RIGHT NOW!

and then there is today’s AI art piece

Rodeo clown


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