Thunder Bay – Monday

Big Dig today

Morning sky photo

Common Grackle

Looks like something is going on at the fire circle on the Spirit Garden

Teepee poles?

This boat must go like a bat out of hell.  Probably drinks fuel very quickly.

Not much to photograph today so I thought I would take some wildflower photos.

The MV John D. Leitch.  When I first saw this vessel it was the MV Canadian Century. That was about 50 years ago.

MV Federal Kushiro

Amazing patterns on some flowers

You finished your beverage. The can is now empty.  Sooo what do you do with it?  Well, if you are in Thunder Bay, you jam it into the middle of a parking meter.

Its still littering if you place the empty box on a light post base.

Installed at the intersection of Court and Bay Streets a few years ago, the crosswalk push buttons were never operational.  Now the posts look like this.  Your tax dollars at work.

Looks like some of the local POSs were out last night.  Can’t have nice things in this city. The POSs will keep this city from ever becoming anything more than it is.

They don’t care because they have zero stake in this city’s success.  They get free everything. They always will. No matter what.

Today’s AI art piece

Female 19th century  mountain climber in the style of Rembrandt

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