The World – Monkeypox And Wokeness

Where are all the PSAs featuring high profile gay men urging other gays to get the “pox-jab”?  Emphasizing refraining from the practice of multiple sexual partners? Avoiding gay orgies which are super-spreader events?

Where is the urgency?  I’m not seeing it.

The virus is found in male sperm. Sooo, anywhere that an infected male leaves his sperm is a possible source of contamination.

This is no time for political correctness. No time to worry about hurting feelings.  Tell the truth.  Explain. Treat people like they are people. Don’t dance around the subject.

Mandatory vaccinations of gay men.  Two weeks to flatten the curve.  Good enough for COVID, should be good enough for Monkeypox.

Orrrr are the health officials hoping that the ‘pox spreads to the ‘non gay men’ segment of the population so that they can shut everything down again?   Lock everyone down again? Restrict travel again?

Update August 12, then there is this:

Top NYC Health Official Claims ‘Retaliation’ After Monkeypox Messaging Dispute




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