Thunder Bay – Sunday – First Day Of The Second Half Of Summer


Big Dig today. No real change since Friday.  Water seems to have gone.

Nice sky this morning. Unfortunately, I won’t get down there to capture the best light.

Morning sky photo this morning

Trash with a view

Trash with a view

The morning after the day before.  Brew Ha held on Saturday.  The event did not haul away their own trash soo the gulls and crows got into it.  There was trash everywhere.

City workers had to pick it all up.

People now camped along McVicar Creek.  Once they start camping in Marina Park, like in the festival area, maybe our high salaried residents of City Hall might do something about them.  Like pointing them toward a job.

Free food has no value.  I see a lot of food not eaten laying around the city. Someone paid for that piece of fruit.

Why not finish it completely?  Waste. So much waste.

Oh but they drink ALL of the liquor and beer. I never see half full cans/bottles of liquor/beer laying around.

Another example of why trash cans should be mandatory.

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