The World – Two Years Into COVID And They Are FINALLY Beginning To Ask The Important Questions

This has been know for a long time. In the hospital with COVID or in the hospital BECAUSE of COVID. The difference is extremely important.

We have been lied to for most of the past two years. Lied about masks. Lied about the “vaccines”.  Lied about stopping the spread.  Lied about who is at high risk and who is a virtually no risk.  We have no idea whether the “vaccines” made any difference in health outcomes.  We have no idea if masking made any difference. No idea  if cratering the economy made any difference.   Nobody knows.  All that is coming out now.

Now we are finding out that more people are dying than statistically should.  We have healthy, young people dying suddenly. SAD. Sudden Adult Death.  A term I have never heard of before now.

I believe that as time goes on, we will learn that the pandemic “cure” was worse than the disease itself. We will be living with the effects of the “vaccines” for a very long time. Maybe generations.

Yes, follow the money. Its always been about the money.

Then there is the “vaccine” recommendations for children:

U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren’t ‘Following the Science,’ Officials Say

More doses do not seem to make a difference.  Pfizer is making billions.

Remember, follow the money.  Its all about the money. Always is. Always has been.

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