Thunder Bay – Friday

Big Dig today

I wonder if this has something to do with the trouble on Pearl Street yesterday?  200 block of Pearl Street. I wonder if we are talking about the same publicly funded shithole where a murder was committed back in May?

Looking for colour wherever I can find it. Trash in context.

Could not decide between the two so I included both.   I like the simplicity of this one.

Morning sky photos

Not sure why the City of Thunder Bay hates the Lakehead Transportation Museum Society. There is something.  Our high salaried residents of City Hall do nothing but throw up administrative roadblocks.

Now, Councilor Roberto mentions maybe waving the $5,000 annual rent to give the 100% volunteer run society a helping hand to grow.  As far as I know, nobody involved with the LTMS gets paid.  All the money raised gets pumped back into the site.

That is unlike all the other organizations that the city support.

The Art Gallery receives around a quarter of a million dollars annually from the City of Thunder Bay.  My understanding is that Confederation College does not charge the art gallery for use of its present site. I am sure that art gallery pays its staff.

Now, the art gallery has received $35.7 million from the Federal Government, $5.7 million each from the Province of Ontario and the City of Thunder Bay. The art gallery only managed to raise $2.7 million from the public.  Not much public support but did they even try very hard or did they know that Hajdu was going to come through with the bulk of the required funding?  Was anyone in the city aware that the art gallery was even fund raising?

The art gallery has the same basic deal with the City of Thunder as it had with the College. No rent payment for the waterfront property. Nice. Not even $5,000 a year.

What I see here is elitism. Endless taxpayer dollars for the elites and nothing for the “great unwashed”.  The worker drones.

Once the new art gallery is built, that quarter of a million dollar annual  “gift”  will no longer be enough. Expect that number to go up. Half a millions annually at the bare minimum.  I believe it will be higher. After all, the staff of the new art gallery will need a pay increase  and money raised through admission alone ain’t going to be enough.

Judging by the level of public support that gallery’s fund raising effort received, I expect this facility will become another money pit completely dependent on the taxpayer for survival.

Trash in context. A person might think that boaters drink a lot considering all the empty liquor, wine, beer containers that show up at the trash cans down by the docks.  You would be right.

Trash in context

Baby raven

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