Thunder Bay – Friday

Big Dig today

Three quarters of the way through July and it looks like the gay crosswalk might be finished. Underwhelming best describes it.  First, why the gaps between colours?  Just looks bad.

Smokers are the biggest litterers in the city.  Its not even close.  The advantage smokers have over all other litterers is that their litter is small.  Hardly noticeable until you take a closer look.  Just like spiders, you are never more than 3 meters away from a cigarette butt.

Tim’s and McCafe are a distant second/third but their litter is much larger. Easier to see.

Plastics straw. I thought we were getting rid of them but I see quite a few around.

Morning sky photo

Tent is up. There must be a cruise ship coming soon.

The background might be a bit busy but I like it

Either the goose is eating or it has decided that life is not worth living any longer.

Left over ice tea or urine?  I’m not going to find out.

Imagine what it would be like to be that small visiting places like that.  Amazing.

Market Square was supposed to be much more than a parking lot but in this city, parking lots are the pinnacle of urban development.  Now there is a three hour limit on parking in this lot.  That is going to screw up the hotel guests who use it.  That is a good thing. The city should not be building parking lots for hotels.

The next step is paid parking.

Yup.  This trash was too heavy for the POS to dispose of properly.  The thing is that the POSs that leave trash laying around have to walk past trash cans to leave the park.  City workers will pick it up though.  Its not like they have nothing else to do but pick up after you.  I blame the parents. Failed parenting.

Geese and gulls sometimes hang out in this pond.  Just saying.

Trying to make trash interesting

Something to do on a hot day.

Repair made.  Now we are down to only three cones.  As you can see, the fill has settled, creating a hazard of some sort.  Maybe third repair will be the charm?

Some macro photos

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