Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Morning sky photo

Not sure what is going on with that cloud system but it looks ominous.


Quite beautiful actually.  Sadly many beautiful things are extremely dangerous and that includes women. That is if there was such a thing as a woman, which we all know that there isn’t.

Big day yesterday down on the CCGS Alexander Henry. Coast Guard celebrating 60 years,

I wasn’t there so I have no photos.  You will have to use your imagination and picture bagpipes, sailors in uniform and media covering the deck of the former ice breaker.

Not sure that the word “master” is still allowed. Same with slave.  I feel sorry for everyone named Master. The future is going to be tough, with all the wokeness that is determined to rewrite history. Is anyone named Slave.  Never heard of one.

Where are all the cruise ships?

More rapid COVID test trash laying around.  It has migrated to Marina Park.

This one might still be good.  Looks like it wasn’t opened.

Even an unopened sample swab.  I could check to see if I have the ‘vid.  Of course, if the test turns out positive, then I would have to stay at home.  Locked up.  I can’t see the upside for anyone taking that test unless they really had to.

Free bike.

Looks pretty good. When I was a kid, we would have given anything to have one of these.  Usually, the only way you got one was as a hand-me-down.  Even then, it was your most prized possession. Now they are laying around.  Trash. No value.

Yellow bagger was here.  Maybe the Dew Drop Inn should send some volunteers out to pick up all the yellow bags that their clientele leave laying around.

Free hat…full of cooties for sure though.

Gotta love those smokers.

Painted rock or a piece of a larger painted rock.  Its hard to tell,

Big Dig today

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