The World – Sri Lanka Collapse Is Dire Warning For Rest Of The World

International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.  When you are talking developing countries’ debt, you are talking the IMF and the World Bank.

If a country fails to meet its financial obligations, are their resources raided?  What you have is a situation where the richest countries of the world and the richest people of the world load up a country with crushing debt obligations and then stand back and wait for the default, which the richest countries and richest people know is going to happen.

Debt limits your options. The greater the debt load, the fewer options you have. Its not rocket science.

Canada’s first black-face Prime Minister is moving Canada into a situation, maybe less dire than that of Sri Lanka, but still serious enough for Canadians to feel real financial pain.  Rising inflation. High fuel prices. High food prices. High heating and cooling. High electricity.

And Justin does not care. Time to dump Justin and Chrystia both.

For poor countries already facing debt distress, a food crisis looms

from the above article:

A first step should be to ramp up emergency aid to countries at risk. Over the next 15 months, the World Bank Group will make up to $30 billion available to improve food security in developing economies. Leaders of G7 nations, moreover, have pledged $4.5 billion toward the same goal.  International funds should go to people in immediate danger—by helping governments make targeted, cost-effective cash transfers to the most vulnerable households. Such funds should also help at-risk countries make the necessary investments to improve farmers’ access to fertilizers and transform domestic food systems so they can become more productive, efficient, and resilient.

…improve farmer’s access to fertilizers and transform Food systems….all products of which will be purchased from whom?  Anyone take a guess?

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