Thunder Bay – Saturday

Big Dig today

Still working on the gay pedestrian crossing.  At this rate, it may be finished just as the first snow fall hits the asphalt.  I don’t know why they did not just use paint instead of this mastic stuff. Sure the paint has to be redone every year but its simple.  This stuff requires heat and as you can see, if the blow torch lingers in one location too long, the material burns.  Both public and private workers have trouble applying this stuff.   It just does not look that good.  There must be a better way.

Could not decide between the two photos of the Coke can

Sooo I included both.

Hot dog buns.  Dempsters.  Not cheap.  Either they were stolen or free.  Nobody throws away perfectly good hot dog buns they paid cash to buy. Not in this financial climate.

Trash in context

Morning sky photo

People dump the trash as fast as people can pick it up.  It makes you wonder what this city would look like if the trash was just left to accumulate

Spider is busy doing something

Trash in context

The memorial today

Festival of India going on this weekend

Almost looks like they are trying to convert people.  Hmmm…

Amazing what a bus getting stuck in a hole around a catchbasin can do. All of sudden repairs are being done.

Not this one yet. The cone is just hanging in there.

A snail. It was shy and stayed in the other side of the petals.

Took the above photo. The bee decided to fly off just as the shutter fired sooo naturally, that bee is out of focus.  I have taken hundreds of photos that look just like this. But this time, I thought I would try something…

I took the above photo an loaded it into an AI program. The program creates art based on words you input. If you add a photo, it will use that photo to base its art on.

The above is the result.  Because the program is phone based, the photo gets cropped. That is why it is a different size than the original,  Just tried it for fun.

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