Thunder Bay – Thursday

The Big Dig Today

Trash in context

Playing with light and colour.  Trash in context

Morning sky photo


The Tundra Swan is still around.  You can see the yellow marking under the eye

I’m always a sucker for reflections

Park memorial. Last weeks sudden death scene.

I often wonder if a permanent stage would have been easier to deal with.  It takes a large crew to put the stage up and take it down.  Who is paying them?  This stage was not cheap.  It has a limited life span.  Each time you put it up and take it down causes some wear and tear.  Shortens the life.

New public art? What is it supposed to be?  Hopefully it will be done before the snow covers it up.

The Frog cafe is gone.  A victim of the pandemic lockdowns?

If Tim Hortons did no exist, the amount of street trash would be cut in half.  Easily.

The White Admiral butterfly.

Nice bag.  Free if you want it.  Probably covered in cooties.  Not sure just how green this reusable plastic bag is now trash and will end up in the landfill.

Trash in context

Took my macro lens out for a spin

Mask photo

June bug?  I wonder how much protein is in that?  We will all be eating them soon. Might be fighting over the bugs stuck on the front of car radiators.  Imagine the dining buffet you can find in a Walmart parking lot?

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